Monday, August 9, 2010

Still nothing new to report....

Another frustrating but uneventful week has passed. The best part of the week was the four hours at the pool on Sunday. Evidently I got some good color judging from the comments I'm receiving such as I should use some sunblock. It was also a day to clean the CLU..... it really doesn't take too long to clean an approximate 140 square feed of a trailer and bathroom.

The Thailand trip is not going to happen for me now since I would have been in the airport as much as I would have been in Thailand so I'll save that for another time after I get back home probably. So perhaps a Safari in the cooler months closer to the end of my tour.

Several folks here have been told that there's no funding for their billets and they may be out of here in less than 90 days from now.... I'm not convinced that will happen but who knows. I asked if I could be one of those people and I got an immediate response of "NO!".

The excitement of the day was the termite treatment in my office. I'm sure there's more nonsnese to come...... only an alleged 176 days left on my sentence.

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